What is Trademark Registration?
A trademark can be a name, signature, letter, figure, symbol, title, drawing, tax stamp, seal, inscription, image, advertisement and any other combination.
Trademark Registration is important for all types of companies whether they are small or big. Brand registration provides complete mental fulfillment to companies as it prevents other corporations from using their name and logo for their own business interests. Brand registration also allows companies to litigate other companies if they are using similar types of names and logos that are exclusively owned by branded companies.
The trademark registration is valid for 10 years in UAE and renewed for the same period.
We at MSZ Consultancy, we can assist you with Intellectual Property Rights Protection for Trademarks, Copyrights, and also the Patents & Design.
Following are the Procedures for Trademark Registration in UAE
- Submit the application to the Trademarks Registration Office for Initial search.
- Then file the application along all required documents including the image of the targeted trademarks and pay the fees.
- The Trademarks Registrar will publish your application to register the trademark in 2 local newspapers.
- Any involved party may file a notice of opposition to the registered trademark within 30 days from the date of publication.
- If no opposition is filed within the time limit then your trademark will be registered and also the certificate of registration will be issued.
Required documents for trademark registration in UAE
- Soft copy of Trademarks image in black & white.
- Power of attorney
- Trade license
- Passport copy
- Certificates of Trademark registration (in case of registered in any other countries).
Following are the benefits of Trademark Registration
- Trademark Registration supports you to protect your business identity.
- It protects against others using the same trademarks.
- It gives strong proof of your legally protected rights.
- Trademark Registration protects against others who trade in the same.
For further information, call us at +971 52 544 1248 or email us on info@mszconsultancy.com